Not having an operating and compliant Safety Shower and Eyewash station can leave you exposed to a variety of potential workplace disasters.
As per Australian Standard AS 4775-2007, you must have your safety shower and eyewash tested annually
National Concrete Scanning and Coring are licensed plumbers and have experience in all aspects of plumbing. We have some fantastic and affordable options for both safety showers and eyewash testing.
Yours and your staff well-being is important us and, like any piece of safety equipment, it is vital that Safety Showers and Eyewash are regularly inspected and maintained.
What is a Safety Shower?
Facilities such as factories and laboratories have a Safety Shower and Eyewash station. This is for an immediate and critical response when a person is exposed to a hazardous or dangerous substances. Either not having a Safety Shower and Eyewash station, or having one that has been poorly maintained, can be a disaster in a hazardous material spill incident. Safety Shower and Eyewash stations allow the for the quick removal of contaminates from the body and eyes that could otherwise cause injury (burns, irritation, infection, and in some cases blindness)
Do Safety Showers require testing, and how often is testing required?
To ensure that Safety Showers and Eyewash stations have a clean, potable supply of water and are in correct working order, it is a mandatory requirement that all emergency safety Showers and Eyewash stations are tested. This includes, but not limited to, operating the equipment once a week testing for proper functionality and also tested annually by a maintenance professional required the Australian National Standard.
Who can test a Safety Shower?
Weekly operational testing of a Safety Shower and Eyewash station can be conducted by facility staff members. However, the annual testing procedure must be conducted by a qualified plumbing technician.
National Concrete Scanning and Coring can managing the testing of your Safety Shower and Eyewash station
All maintenance and testing of your Safety Shower and Eyewash station will be carried out in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard